media, information, the contemporary


  • Sarai - Elizabeth Losh - The Metadata is the Message - Poster

    The Metadata is the Message: Social Media and the Rhetorics of Online Activism | Lecture

    Elizabeth Losh delivered a lecture on The Metadata is the Message: Social Media and the Rhetorics of Online Activism on 4th September 2013.  

  • Sarai - Bernadette Langle - CCC and Digital Activism in Europe - Poster

    Bernadette Längle – Chaos Computer Club and Digital Activism in Europe | Monday, July 8, 5 pm

    Bernadette Längle, Centre for Internet and Society and Chaos Computer Club, delivered a talk at Sarai on the Chaos Computer Club and Digital Activism in Europe, on Monday, July 8, 2013. Bernadette spoke about the hacker scene and digital activism in Europe, with a focus on the Chaos Computer Club, and shared the experiences of…

  • Sarai - Bernadette Langle - CCC and Digital Activism in Europe - Poster

    Chaos Computer Club and Digital Activism in Europe | Lecture

    Bernadette Längle, Centre for Internet and Society and Chaos Computer Club, delivered a talk at Sarai on the Chaos Computer Club and Digital Activism in Europe, on Monday, July 8, 2013. She spoke about the hacker scene and digital activism in Europe, with a focus on the Chaos Computer Club, and shared the experiences of…

  • Sensor-Census-Censor: A Report

    This colloquium, early in the history of the Information and Society Research Cluster at Sarai-CSDS, posits that the ‘sensor-census-censor’ triad may be a useful way in which the histories and contemporary realities of South Asia and Europe may be investigated. Here, we mean the historic affinities, networks and resonances pertinent to the traffic of information between the colony and the metropolis, especially with regard to the operations of knowledge as power. We also point towards the contemporary (and projected) operations of biometric technologies, internet filtering systems, networked surveillance, data retrieval and outsourcing systems that inflect the global traffic in information today.

  • Sarai - Sensor Census Censor - Colloquium - Poster

    Sensor-Census-Censor: A Report

  • sarai - contested commons trespassing publics - poster

    Contested Commons / Trespassing Publics

    Contested Commons Trespassing Publics, the conference on inequalities, conflicts and intellectual property, was organised by The Sarai Programme, along with Alternative Law Forum and Public Service Broadcasting Trust, on January 6-8, 2005, at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

  • sarai - contested commons trespassing publics - media lounge - poster

    Contested Commons / Trespassing Publics

    The past three years have seen conflicts over the regulation of information, knowledge and cultural materials increase in intensity and scope. These conflicts have widened to include new geographical spaces, particularly China, India, South Africa and Brazil. Moreover, a range of new problems, including the expansion of intellectual property protection to almost all spheres of our social life, has intensified the problem. It is important to recognize that the nature of the conflict gets configured differently as we move from the United States and Europe to social landscapes marked by sharp inequalities in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

  • Cybermohalla Book Box: Launch Event

    “The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who tried to stay neutral in times of crisis…” – The Inferno, Dante Alighieri

  • Cybermohalla Book Box: Launch Event

    These books in the Book Box, which are in different colours, are perhaps easy to look at and to read. But we know how much effort has gone into producing them. There has been a careful process of selection of texts, so that you may like them. When we write, we don’t really know what the beginning of the text will be, or how the text will end, or what we will really be writing about. When we do arrive at a beginning, we not only have to write the text but also pay attention to where to sit and write it, what time of the day we should chose, pay attention to the sounds around us, from where the light falls, and how we should express in words what we want to communicate. Sometimes everyday incidents in buses or on the road get written so interestingly that even the mundane becomes intriguing and compels us to think…

  • Sarai Reader 04: Crisis/Media

    Crisis Media

    “The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who tried to stay neutral in times of crisis…” – The Inferno, Dante Alighieri