media, information, the contemporary


  • The Act of Media: Workshop on Law, Media and Technology

    The Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies is organising The Act of Media workshop on 8th to 10th January 2016. The workshop examines how media-enabled subjectivities produce new sites of departure in the law. The shift from theatre to cinema; cinema to video; and video to satellite television have been productive sites…

  • The Act of Media: Workshop on Law, Media and Technology

    The Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies is organising The Act of Media workshop on 8th to 10th January 2016. The workshop examines how media-enabled subjectivities produce new sites of departure in the law. The shift from theatre to cinema; cinema to video; and video to satellite television have been productive sites…

  • OpenDataCamp Delhi – November 22

    The Sarai Programme, CSDS will be hosting DataMeet’s OpenDataCamp Delhi, a one day un-conference, on Sunday, November 22, 2015. DataMeet organised the first OpenDataCamp in Delhi last year to create a discussion and sharing space for people involved in opening up and working with government and non-government data. This year’s Camp will focus on advancing these…

  • Social Media Research Workshop, November 06, 2015

    Since March this year, short-term research fellows have been involved with The Sarai Programme, on  themes that relate to digital and social media. On Friday, 6th November 2015, we are organising a  workshop for the fellows to present and discuss their research with a select group of discussants. The workshop will be held at the…

  • Social Media Research Workshop, November 06, 2015

    Since March this year, short-term research fellows have been involved with The Sarai Programme, on themes that relate to digital and social media. On Friday, 6th November 2015, we are organising a workshop for the fellows to present and discuss their research with a select group of discussants. The workshop will be held at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, 29 Rajpur Road, Civil Lines.

  • Hinglish Workshop 2015 – Recordings

    Following upon a successful workshop at Sarai-CSDS in August 2014, the Hinglish Workshop 2015 was organised at SOAS, University of London on 27-28 May, 2015. The workshop sought to continue our exploration of the new porousness of Hindi and English in everyday and cultural practices and the relationship between language choice/use and social, cultural and political imaginaries.

  • Hinglish Workshop 2015 – Recordings

    ‘Hinglish: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Hindi-English Bilingualism in Contemporary India’ Following upon a successful workshop at Sarai-CSDS in August 2014, the Hinglish Workshop 2015 was organised at SOAS, University of London on 27-28 May, 2015. The workshop sought to continue our exploration of the new porousness of Hindi and English in everyday and cultural…

  • Call For Abstracts – The Act of Media: Workshop on Law, Media And Technology in South Asia

    The Act of Media: Workshop on Law, Media And Technology in South Asia, 8th to 10th January 2016, The Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi. Call for Abstracts The traditional understanding of ‘media law’ has gradually given way to approaches that show us that ‘law’ and ‘media’ are not separate…

  • Call For Abstracts – The Act of Media: Workshop on Law, Media And Technology in South Asia

    The Sarai Programme invites submission of abstracts for ‘The Act of Media’ workshop. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, and should be sent to by 15th October, 2015, with the subject heading ‘Proposal for The Act of Media Workshop.’ Authors of the selected abstracts will be notified by 1st November 2015.

  • Video Workshop Report

    The arrival of video ushered in a new logistics of access, circulation and production of audio-visual forms. Analog video introduced new infrastructures and legal contests for film circulation and viewing cultures, set new terms for amateur and professional practices in home videos, documentary and commercial works, pedagogical practices and civil society activism, and has been…