The Sarai Programme is organising the Video Workshop, which will be held at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies on February 21-22, 2015.
Please pre-register here if you are interested in taking part in the workshop. Do note that we have a limited number of seats for participants (who are not presenting in the workshop).
10.00-10:15 |Introduction to the Workshop
Ravi Vasudevan, The Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi
10:30-12:30 | Session #1: ‘Early’ Video: Institutions, Circuits, Practices
Chair: Veena Hariharan, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Constructing Conjugality: Reading the Marriage Videos of the 1980s in Delhi
Ishita Tiwary, Sarai-CSDS, Delhi
Transnational Influences and VHS Video Technology in Kerala in the 1980s and 1990s
Sebastian Thejus Cherian, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
The Arrival of Video: Institutional Alliances and Aesthetics in Early Independent Video Documentary Between 1976-1993
Shweta Kishore, Monash University, Melbourne
12:30-1:30 | Lunch
1:30-3:30 | Session #2: Video on Trial: Legal Objects, Evidentiary Claims, Surveillance Technology
Chair: Siddharth Narrain, Sarai-CSDS, Delhi
Video Regulation and the Legal Archive
Siddharth Narrain, Sarai-CSDS, Delhi
Of Hidden Cameras and Hidden Truths: Law and Visual Evidence in an Era of Digital Uncertainty
Lawrence Liang, Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore
Protective or Panoptic: The Role of Video Surveillance in Educational Institutions
Ravi Chaturvedi and Shruti Nagpal, GGSIP University, Delhi
3.30-4.00 | Tea Break
4:00-5:30 | Session #3: Migrant, Vernacular, Aesthetic: The Shifting Cultures of Cell-Phone Video
Chair: Ravi Sundaram, Sarai-CSDS, Delhi
Mobile Video and Migrant Security Guards in Cities
Rashmi M, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
Yaminay, Media Practitioner
11.00-1:00 | Session #4: The Online Life of Video
Chair: Lawrence Liang, Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore
Glitch and Error: Implications in Aesthetics and Communication
Charu Maithani, Curator, Delhi
Youtube and the Flash Mob: Participatory Media and its Impact on a Participatory Performance Practice
Becca Savory, University of Exeter/National Institute of Advanced Studies
Post-Digital Cinema Stardom: GIFS, Loop Videos and Memes
Shaunak Sen, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
1.00-1.15 |Concluding Remarks
Ravi Sundaram, The Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi
1:15 | Lunch