media, information, the contemporary

Sarai.txt 3.3: Horizon of Scanning

Sarai.txt 3.3: Horizon of Scanning Sarai.txt 3.3: Horizon of Scanning


Sarai.txt was a quaterly broadsheet produced by an editorial collective at Sarai. In playfully interpreting and rendering research about urban experience, the txt drew from research in Sarai, from the Sarai lists and repurposed material from the public domain. Txt was circulated in print form and through lists.

Horizon of Scanning juxtaposes found materials, thoughts and reflections on the body, to radio waves, to television screens, the coming of street lighting, to acts of reading – scanning operates as a metaphor for control, diagnosis and a recombinant frame (when you search, you scan, and so open up possibilities of newer interconnections). The word travels between different disciplines and practices (from medicine to literature to surveillance to everyday acts).


Download Side 1 and Side 2 of the broadsheet from Sarai archive.


Editorial Collective: Aarti Sethi, Amitabh Kumar, Iram Ghufran, Priya Sen, and Shveta Sarda.

Editorial Coordinator: Monica Narula.

Design: Sarai Media Lab.

Photographs: Editorial Collective, Raqs Media Collective, and Raj Comics.