media, information, the contemporary

Tag: Archaeology

  • Modulating Realities: Networks of Sonic Thinking

    Modulating Realities | Report

    Modulating Realities: Networks of Sonic Thinking 14th and 15th December, 2023 Sarai-CSDS, Delhi   A detailed report of the symposium is available here. The programme booklet with abstracts is available here.   Concept Modulating Realities: Networks of Sonic Thinking came together as the closing chapter of the existing project Capture All: A Sonic Investigation –…

  • Sonic hallucinations and media archaeologies

    Sonic hallucinations and media archaeologies  Public evening with Ashok Sukumaran (CAMP), Ravi Sundaram and Shikha Jhingan The session will discursively move through certain nodes and ideas of working with sonic materials, hybrid media, data sets and information flows that produce unexpected mediatic encounters and contingent moments. What are the archaeologies that can sense this kind…

  • Modulating Realities: Networks of Sonic Thinking

    Modulating Realities: Networks of Sonic Thinking

    This symposium foregrounds and critically examines the multiplicity of sites and forms of sonic practice and thought that emerge from contemporary conditions in India, South Asia and Australia. The two-day programme ‘Modulating Realities’ takes off from the existing project Capture All: A Sonic Investigation– a collaboration between Liquid Architecture, Melbourne, and Sarai, Centre for the…

  • Books in the Biosphere: Lecture by Isabel Hofmeyr

    Date and Time: 5 December, 2023 at 5:00pm.  Location: Seminar Room, CSDS, 29 Rajpur Road, Delhi Nearest Metro Station: Civil Lines Zoom:   Isabel Hofmeyr will deliver the 24th B. N. Ganguli Memorial Lecture on ‘Books in the Biosphere: Print Culture in the Anthropocene’. It will be chaired by Ravi Sundaram. Like disciplines across…

  • Call for Papers: Twenty-First Century Media? Affective Bodies, Crowds and Collectives

    In the last two decades, digital media infrastructures have spread worldwide, including the global South. Despite inequalities of access, low-cost mobile devices and cheaper broadband have connected large subaltern populations to media infrastructures. The effects are increasingly planetary, initiating a series of debates in media scholarship and cultural theory. Mediatisation has emerged as a material…

  • Pirate Modernity & Hypersocial Networks: Ravi Sundaram + Tiziana Terranova: Dialogue

    Recursive Colonialism, Artificial Intelligence & Speculative Computation 2020 Episode   09 Thursday, 10 December Pirate Modernity & Hypersocial Networks 5 pm CET / 9:30 pm IST / 11 am EST Dialogue: >Ravi Sundaram (CSDS, Delhi) >Tiziana Terranova (Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale) Chair: Ezekiel Dixon-Roman [The event will be hosted on Zoom. Please click here…

  • Social Media: Contemporary Histories and Archaeologies

    This project explores the remarkable transformation signalled by social media in the contemporary era. We are interested in new circuits of social communication, cultural consumption and sharing, transparency discourses and political mobilisation. Such contemporary changes will be situated in a complex history mapping the social basis and circuits of older and more recent media, including…

  • Media and Information Infrastructures

    Infrastructure has come to be an increasingly important object of social science and cultural-historical research. From roads and railways to river and seaborne transport, from dams and irrigation canals to electrical circuits, from telegraphs and telephones to cable networks and satellite communication, the question of infrastructure has been key to the evolution of the modern…

  • Hinglish

    Sarai-CSDS and SOAS, London launched a three-year British Academy funded project called “Hinglish: The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Hindi-English Bilingualism” in early 2013. The project seeks to understand the contemporary explosion of a new mixed, middling linguistic register involving code-switching and code-mixing between English and Hindi. This popular phenomenon is by no means confined…

  • Media and the Constitution of the Political

    This project, supported by ICAS:MP, speaks to the following thematic engagements: Social Media, Data and Information Infrastructures This project looks at data and information infrastructures that have emerged from the rise of social media. Governments have been modernising data collection while addressing paper-based systems. Private companies work with a host of smaller intermediaries and advanced analytics…