The research project hypothesizes that uncertainty in climate change has been narrowly conceptualized from ‘above’ (by scientists, experts and decision-makers). In doing so, the day-to-day experiences and practices of local people around uncertainty have been ignored, thus missing out on local-level detail. Thus, it is important to bridge the divide between uncertainty from ‘above’ and ‘below’ which may result in new or hybrid perspectives that could form the foundation for transformative pathways to adapt to climate change. Our specific study sites include megacities of Delhi and Mumbai (looked into by Sarai-CSDS team) and dryland Kutch and wetland Sunderbans (studied by research partners IIHMR, Kolkata and GUIDE, Bhuj). The research project is funded and coordinated by STEPS Centre, University of Sussex.
Events and Publications related to this project:
Sarai x Listening Academy | Public Sessions | 9th-15th December
Call for Proposals: Researching the Digital: Digital Methods for Qualitative Research
Call for Papers: Twenty-First Century Media? Affective Bodies, Crowds and Collectives
Law at Large: The News Event in Public Mediations of Community – Lecture by Francis Cody
Book discussion ‘Media and the Constitution of the Political: South Asia and Beyond’