Cybermohalla”, a network of dispersed labs for experimentation and exploration among young working class people in different neighbourhoods of the city, that was initiated by Ankur: Society for Alternatives in Education, Delhi and Sarai-CSDS, Delhi in the year 2001. Over the years, the collective produced a wide range of materials, practices, works and structures. Cybermohalla generated regular materials—books, broadsheets, installations, radio programmes, and writings about the city. There were conversations with software programmers, architects, writers, scholars, new media practitioners, designers, legal researchers, urban researchers, translators and sound artists from across the world.
Work by Cybermohalla circulated and been shown in online journals, radio broadcasts, publications, neighbourhood gatherings, contemporary and new media art exhibitions. Their significant publication includes Bahurupiya Shehr (Rajkamal, Delhi 2007) and Trickster City (Penguin India, 2010).
Events and Publications related to this project: