The Centre for the Study of Developing Societies invites applications for the post of Research Assistant for Data Support. The qualifications and eligibility criteria for the position would be as follows: Essential Requirement: 1. Graduate in any subject from a recognized university. 2. Data analysis on software with management skills. 3. Good understanding of Data…
CSDS invites applications for the annual workshop for research scholars on ‘Mainstream and the Margins: Theory, Practice and Methods’ to be held at CSDS between 13-26 February 2019. The workshop supported by ICSSR, New Delhi is designed to hone research skills, impart theoretical knowledge and build methodological capacity. This year’s workshop will address the broad…
ICAS:MP, TM7 (Thematic Module 7), invites applications for junior researcher positions. These are for archival collections, ethnographic research and interviews, and legal research, under the supervision of module coordinators Ravi Vasudevan (CSDS) and Srirupa Roy (University of Goettingen). The thematic focuses of the research include: Social Media, Data and Information Infrastructures This project looks at…
The Centre for the Study of Developing Societies invites applications for its two-month course on ‘Researching the Contemporary’. This cross-disciplinary course will critically examine the formation of the contemporary and its multiple histories, ideologies, forms and affects. The following three courses offered this year will enable participants to familiarize themselves with concepts, theories and methods…
अनुसूचित जाति/जनजाति कोटि के मौजूदा शोधार्थियों के लिए भारतीय सामाजिक अनुसंधान परिषद द्वारा समर्थित दक्षता-कार्यशाला ‘मुख्यधारा और हाशिए का समाज: सिद्धांत, व्यवहार और प्रविधि’ में चयन के लिए आवेदन निमंत्रित किए जाते हैं। स्थान: सीएसडीएस तारीख़: 5-13 मार्च 2018 कार्यशाला में निम्नांकित फ़ैकल्टी सदस्यों के व्याख्यान होंगे: अभय कुमार दुबे आदित्य निगम आशुतोष कुमार हिलाल…
The Centre for the Study of Developing Societies invites applications for the following regular positions: • Professor – Total Positions- 5 (General -3, SC-1, ST-1) (Scale: 37400-67000, AGP 10000) Preferred Themes: • Urban Environmental Studies • History of Political Ideas • Genealogies/Ethnographies of Inclusion and Exclusion • Associate Professor -Total Positions- 2 (General -1, SC-1)…
Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), a leading social science research institute based in Delhi invites applications for the posts of Senior Research Assistant and Documentation Officer. The qualifications and eligibility criteria for the post would be as follows: 1) Senior Research Assistant Essential Requirement: 1. Graduate in any subject from a recognized…
The Centre for the Study of Developing Societies invites applications for its two-month course on ‘Researching the Contemporary’. This cross-disciplinary course will critically examine the formation of the contemporary and its multiple histories, ideologies, forms and affects. The following four courses offered this year will enable participants engage with concepts, theories and methods to critically understand and analyse the contemporary…
The Centre for the Study of Developing Societies offers up to 06 Visiting Assistant Professors (Lecturer) Positions. Of the total number of positions up to 50% will be reserved for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC. Candidates applying for the reserved positions should clearly state the category they belong to. Women candidates are encouraged to apply. Preference…
The Sarai Programme invites submission of abstracts for the ‘Lives of Data’ workshop. Besides academic researchers, we strongly encourage media, design and software practitioners to apply for the workshop. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, and should be sent to by 15 September, 2016, with the subject heading ‘Proposal for the Lives of Data Workshop.’ Authors of the selected abstracts will be notified by 01 October, 2016. The workshop will be held on 06-07 January, 2017 at Sarai-CSDS, 29 Rajpur Road, Delhi…